Gleb Savchenko, RMT has over a decade experience in the fitness industry and as a Registered Massage Therapist. Trained in strength and conditioning + pilates + yoga, he educates his clients on the limits of passive therapy alone and empowers them to take an active approach to improving their well-being.

a life-long learner, Gleb seeks to continuously dispel dogma and falsehoods, challenge outdated narratives and endow his clients with effective cues + advice.

Gleb seeks to exceed client expectations with personalized focus, attention to detail and a commitment to exceptional customer service - let’s work together!

in his spare time Gleb can be found urban hiking through Toronto, exploring new coffee shops to read and study in, or practicing what he preaches in one of the city’s many wonderful gyms/studios: moving + breathing… and sports, so much sports.


the kinsense advantage


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