kinsense is a bespoke manual therapy + movement education service that empowers you to maximize the quality of your lifestyle by bringing awareness to your body and intention to your movements.

kinsense helps you mitigate your symptoms + alleviate pain! a unique combination of targeted massage, joint mobilization + trigger point therapy techniques is used to down-regulate your nervous system and control your pain response.

kinsense helps you to help yourself! the movement education component endows you with the ability to restore your full body breath + the knowledge to self-assess, self-correct and take control of your body by up-regulating your nervous system with new movement options, exercises, cues and feedback mechanisms.

kinsense empowers you to learn about movement and the body on your own body; provides you with hands on care to alleviate your symptoms; teaches you techniques + know-how to help you focus on the passions in your life and not the pain!


